What is that ‘drill-linking’?

On Pentaho’s roadmap shown earlier this year, the first item for Pentaho Reporting was a mysterious bullet point called “Drill-Linking” with no further explanation on the slides on what this actually means.

Drill-linking is, very generally speaking, the ability to connect reports with other reports or more general any web-based systems via hyperlinks.

At the moment, drill-linking can be done by adding a style-expression on the href-style-key on any element. There is no big magic to it and it is (in most cases) reasonably simple as long as you know where you link to.

As this is the only roadmap feature for the upcoming 3.7 release, there must be something more to it. (After all, you dont make a release out of nothing, don’t you? And it would be Dilbert-style weasel work if we do. But then again, its product management and marketing – and thus
everything that is not outright illegal is probably allowed (and has been done somewhere in the past).)

So what is our idea of drill-linking?

Foremost it is a new method of computing URLs for using it in the href style-key. For that I created a new formula function called “DRILLDOWN”, but more on that later.

It also includes work on the platform components, so that we can ask published reports, XActions, Dashboards and so on for their expected parameter set, so that we can provide a sensible UI for the editor.

And last but not least, I’m keeping an age-old promise and extend the JFreeChart-expressions to generate image-maps (and thus allow to put link on elements in the chart-plot, so that you can click on the pie slice to jump to a more detailed report that tells you all about that specific country/product/whatever.

DRILLDOWN function? What’s that?

The DRILLDOWN function is a declarative way to define URLs. Whenever we want to build an user-interface for a feature, it is most helpful if the values we want to edit exist in a well-defined data structure instead of being hidden like Easter-eggs in a programming language.

(This is the same argumentation we had about XActions vs. PRPT, so if you know the reasons for having a cleanly editable model, you can skip the next parts. But as I still – from time to time – get those questions on why we had to use our own datasources when the XAction system already
worked in the platform, I will go through the same arguments for the DRILLDOWN as well. At least I can point everyone to this post and wont have to waste my breath in repeating myself again and again.)

Up until now, URLs are computed via a formula function that most of the time looks something like this:

="http://localhost/pentaho/content/reporting?solution=steel-wheels&path=&name=report.prpt¶meter="  [value]

or it looks like one of these

= [::env::baseURL] &  "/content/reporting?solution=steel-wheels&path=&name=report.prpt¶meter="  [value]

= [::env::baseURL] & "/content/reporting?" &  MESSAGE("solution={0}&path={1}&name={2}¶meter="{3}";  "steel-wheels"; ""; "report.prpt"; [value])

This stuff is easy and obviously works. But the problem is – as so often – in the details.

I can some up with a million ways of generating the same URL with different formulas. These formulas can be simple, can be complex, but they wont be easily parseable so that I can extract the values for the UI in a automated way. And whenever we fail to extract the values correctly, we will be beaten up by the users for providing a buggy system, or a bad user experience.

We _could_ workaround that by saying: Dear user, we only parse a very specific format. If you are not following that rule, you are on your own. (In the XAction world, this “workaround” was suggested for our PRD-3.5 as well – only accept XActions that look like the ones generated by PRD. And anyone with non-standard problems would be left in the rain.)

Nah, such a solution is not a solution at all. First, no one reads manuals, where that limitation and the valid format would be documented. I don’t, and I guess you do neither. So the first thing I would receive is bug reports on why this formula is not working in the Drill-Down UI. Bah! I want to spend the rest of my life lazily sitting at the beach, and not answering these reports with “RTFM”.

Parsing a program, and a formula or a XAction is a programm, and predicting what it does and how to change it to do something else is a very interesting research area – but the only research I want to do has to do with beaches at the Irish sea, not with geeky problems.

(Welcome back to everyone who skipped the previous paragraphs.)

So we need something that splits the various parts of a URL into separate fields. So lets look at what fields we have:

  1. Protocol, Host, port, web-application-base-url:

    This tells us where the web-application sits.

  2. Content-path:

    This points to the reporting plugin, the XAction-servlet and so on. It can also point to a PHP page, if we want to link there.

  3. Parameter:

    In the pentaho-world, we have three standard parameter, that are always there: solution, path and name, which (for historical reasons) contain parts of the solution path to which we link to. When linking to a non-Pentaho service, that could be omitted.

    And then of course, we have loads of user-defined parameter, that the report, XAction or PHP file could accept.

    All parameter are name-value pairs, so a 2D-array seems a natural solution.

So our DRILLDOWN function would look somewhat like this:

DRILLDOWN("http://localhost/pentaho"; "/content/reporting";
{{"solution" | "steel-wheels"} |
{"path" | ""} |
{"name" | "report.prpt" } |
{"parameter" | [value] }})

Not bad for a first throw. Now even a brain-dead monkey could write a UI without having to worry about how to parse complex formulas into a usable editor model.

But there is more to it. First, we know that for reports linking to the same server, we can replace the hardcoded server address with the “env::baseURL” variable to make that report more maintainable.

Next, the “/content/reporting” is only valid for links to PRPT files. For XActions that part looks different (heck, I never can remember the real value!) as does it for dashboard-links.

Boring stuff like that screams to be abstracted away from the unexpecting user.

Every link can be classified into one or more groups. We can ask questions like:

  • Do you want to link to a local report or a report on an other server?
  • Do you want to link to a PRPT file, a XAction or something else?

Let me call the combined set of answers to these questions “profiles”. And hey, lets give our profiles some speaking names and lets hide the technical gibberish that so confuses the poor user. Then our drill-linking function can look somewhat like that now:

DRILLDOWN ("remote-prpt"; "http://localhost/pentaho"; {...  parameter-array here ..})
DRILLDOWN ("local-prpt"; " used"; {...  parameter-array here ..})

The various profiles along with the ugly technical stuff are then safely tucked away into a configuration file. Now if we make these profiles (admin-)user configurable, we actually opened up a totally new play ground. Now we can do stuff like

DRILLDOWN ("accounting-prpt"; " used"; {...  parameter-array here ..})

and link to the almost forgotten server in the accounting department and best of all, we dont have to remember the IP or DNS-name. And if they ever move the server, one change in the profile-configuration fixes all the reports.

The profiles would be defined in a configuration file in the reporting engine and (as usual) can be overridden by a local configuration. This way, “local” can take up different meanings depending on where the report runs. Now, if the profile configuration also defines how to produce the URL, it is easy to let knowledgeable admins create their own link-profiles to 3rd party systems.

DRILLDOWN ("legacy-erp"; " used"; {...  parameter-array here ..})

could easily produce a link to your ERP system with the customer number or product id passed down. And again your users would not have to worry about the ten-foot-long URL that is needed to make that happen.

How would the UI know what parameters and fields to offer?

Well, this is a problem I prefer to solve by not solving it. OK, that was to much Zen. So lets talk about the UI for the Drill-Down system.

In its most simple form, we can present it as a set of input fields, each one corresponding to one slot in the DRILLDOWN function, and a plain table representing the parameter name/value array.

Its generic, its simple, but its just not sufficient.

For Pentaho-links, we have to maintain the three special parameter (solution, path and name) internally. I prefer to give users a file-system like view with a single path to enter. After all, we are long past since the DOS-driveletter system (ok, most of us are). So let’s make that thing one input and let the UI code figure out how to split that into the three parameters.

For third party links, we have to keep this a single path.

For remote links, we need to show the host-URL inputs, while for local ones this would be dead-confusing.

For PRPTs we probably want to show the system level properties as well. Not everyone want to paginate, and not everyone wants HTML as output.

So in short – thinking of a single unified UI makes my brain hurt. And whenever that happens, I delegate (in the worst sense of the word) my problems to someone else. The someone else happens to be you.

In my book, a pluggable profile system needs a pluggable UI as well. We provide sensible UIs for the profiles we define, and a rather generic one for everything else (some sort of fall-back, in case you or your admin is as lazy as I am).

If you have a complex URL building requirement, then at least you can provide your own UI. If you’re happy with the ones we provide – fine, then we all can spend our time drinking beer instead of coding. And if the generic solution is good enough to cover common linking problems well, then only system integrators will have to worry about actually writing UI-plugins. But if your users start to nag, and after playing World of Warcraft on the servers got boring, then you have an easy way to provide them the slick made-to-measure UI they always begged for.

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About Thomas

After working as all-hands guy and lead developer on Pentaho Reporting for over an decade, I have learned a thing or two about report generation, layouting and general BI practices. I have witnessed the remarkable growth of Pentaho Reporting from a small niche product to a enterprise class Business Intelligence product. This blog documents my own perspective on Pentaho Reporting's development process and our our steps towards upcoming releases.