
A word from the author

Welcome to, a treasure trove for anyone using Pentaho’s reporting engine to get their data out of the cloud on to some durable paper. So head over to the articles and explore what you can do with Pentaho Reporting. If you can’t find a solution in any of the articles, please jump over to the Pentaho forum. The Pentaho forum is the best place to get answers quickly, either by searching through the vast archives or by creating a new post.

About Me

I am Thomas Morgner, the software architect for the Pentaho Reporting project at Pentaho. I joined the project over 10 years ago and have seen it grow from a small embedded engine into a enterprise class reporting system that is widely deployed in large and small enterprises around the world.

Pentaho Reporting – Tips, Tricks and useful knowledge

Pentaho Reporting is a suite of open-source reporting tools which allows you to create relational and analytical reports from a wide range of data-sources. The Pentaho Reporting Engine is able to create PDF, Excel, HTML, Text, Rich-Text-File and XML and CSV outputs of your data. An easy to learn formula language similar to the one used in Excel helps you to create more dynamic reports exactly the way you want them. And an open architecture and powerful API and extension points ensures that this system grows with your requirements.