During the last year, as part of my work with the Rabbit-Stew-Dio, I fell in love with Git. Well, sort of, that marriage is not without conflict, and from time to time I hate it too. But when the time came to move all our Pentaho Reporting projects to Git, we all were happy to jump on that boat.
As a result, you can now access all code for the 4.0/TRUNK version of Pentaho Reporting via our GitHub Project. This project contains all libraries, all runtime engine modules and everything that forms the report-designer and design-time tools.
Grab it via:
git clone git@github.com:pentaho/pentaho-reporting.git
Code organization
Our code is split into three groups of modules.
- “/libraries” contains all shared libraries and code that provides infrastructure that is not necessarily reporting related.
- “/engine” contains the runtime code for Pentaho Reporting. If you want to embed our reporting engine into your own Swing application or whether you want to deploy it as part of a J2EE application, this contains all your ever need.
- “/designer” contains our design-time tools, like the report-designer and the report-design-wizard. It also contains all data source UIs that are used in both the Report Designer and Pentaho Report Wizard.
If you use IntelliJ Idea for your Java work, then you will be delighted to find that the sources act as a fully configured IntelliJ project. Just open the ‘pentaho-reporting’ directory as project in IntelliJ and off you go. If you use Eclipse, well, why not give IntelliJ a try?
Branching system
At Pentaho we use Scrum as our development process. We end up working on a set of features for about 3 weeks, called a Sprint. All work for that Sprint goes into a feature branch (sprint_XXX-4.0.0GA) and gets merged with the master at the end of the sprint.
If you want to keep an eye on our work while we are sprinting, check out the sprint branches. If you prefer is more stable, and are happy with updates every three weeks, stick to the master-branch.
During a Sprint, our CI system will build and publish artifacts from the sprint branches. If you don’t want that, then it is now easy to get your own build up and running in under 5 minutes (typing time, not waiting time).
Building the project
The project root contains a global multibuild.xml file that can build all modules in one go. If you want it more finely granulated, each top level group (‘libraries’, ‘engine’, ‘designer’) contains its own ‘build.xml’ file to provide the same service for these modules.
To successfully build Pentaho Reporting, you do need Apache Ant 1.8.2 or newer. Go download it from the Apache Ant Website if you haven’t done it yet.
After you cloned our Git repository, you have all the source files on your computer. But before you can use the project, you will have to download the third party libraries used in the code.
On a command line in the project directory, call
ant -f multibuild.xml resolve
to download all libraries.
If you’re going to use IntelliJ for your work, you are all set now and can start our IntelliJ project.
To build all projects locally, invoke
ant -f multibuild.xml continuous-local-testless
to run.
If you feel paranoid and want to run the tests while building, then use the ‘continuous-local’ target. This can take quite some time, as it also runs all tests. Expect to wait an hour while all tests run.
ant -f multibuild.xml continuous-local
After the process is finished, you will find “Report Designer” zip and tar.gz packages in the folder “/designer/report-designer/assembly/dist”.
If you get OutOfMemoryErrors pointing to a JUnitTask, or if you get OutOfMemory “PermGen Space” errors, increase the memory of your Ant process to 1024m by setting the ANT_OPTS environment variable:
export ANT_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
Building the project on a CI server
Last but not least: Do you want to run Pentaho Reporting in your own continuous integration server and you want to publish all created artifacts to your own maven-server? Then make sure you set up Maven to allow you to publish files to a repository.
- Install Artifactory or any other maven repository server.
- Copy one of the ‘ivy-settings.xml’ configurations from any of the modules and edit it to point to your own Maven server. Put this file into a location outside of the project, for instance into “$HOME/prd-ivy-settings.xml”
- Download and install maven as usual, then configure it to talk to the Artifactory server.
Edit your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml file and locate the ‘servers’ tag. Then configure it with the username and password of a user that can publish to your Artifactory server.
Replace ‘your-server-id’ with a name describing your server. You will need that later.
Replace ‘publish-username’ and ‘publish-password’ with the username and password of an account of your artifactory installation that has permission to deploy artifacts.
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd"> ... <servers> <server> <id>your-server-id</id> <username>publish-username</username> <password>publish-password</password> <configuration> <wagonprovider>httpclient</wagonprovider> <httpconfiguration> <put> <params> <param> <name>http.authentication.preemptive</name> <value>%b,true</value> </param> </params> </put> </httpconfiguration> </configuration> </server> </servers> .. </settings>
Now set up your CI job. You can either override the ivy properties on each CI job, or your can create a global default by creating a ‘$HOME/.pentaho-reporting-build-settings.properties’ file. The settings of this file will be included in all Ant-builds for Pentaho Reporting projects.
ivy.settingsurl=file:${user.home}/prd-ivy-settings.xml ivy.repository.id=your-server-id ivy.repository.publish=http://repo.your-server.com/ext-snapshot-local
After that, test your setup by invoking
ant -f multibuild.xml continuous
It should run without errors now. If you see errors on publish, check your Maven configuration or your Artifactory installation.
With the new build structure and the move to Git, it has become tremendously easy to download and work with the Pentaho Reporting source code. Even formerly daunting tasks like setting up an CI server have become simple enough to be documented in a single blog post.
Excellent post! Thanks for your effort!